only conquer one level, waiting until his formation mastery improved before attempting the next...This grandmaster of the art of war was once renowned throughout the nine states. With his skill, he c...The combination of Daohu and Yiy is very intimidating. Inexperienced low-level cultivators are easily frightened by a talking monster, and riding Daohu on the road is undoubtedly tempting.
Flash Sale! Although they are both monsters, their power levels differ greatly.
Fortunately, there was Lu Ye. At the same time Big Tiger charged forward, he used Big Tiger's body as cover and rushed forward to attack.
As the long sword was unsheathed, Lu Ye channeled his spiritual energy onto the blade, imbuing it with sharp spiritual runes. In an instant, a blindingly bright light flashed, followed by a spray of blood.ully solidify. At this moment, they were just half-formed.Lu Ye dazedly opened his eyes, only to see golden stars flashing before him. A strange weakness surged through his body, as if he had been com...